How much experience does Quantic TRM have with passive products?
Since 1970, Quantic TRM has been a leader in the design and manufacturing of passive and active RF/Microwave devices for commercial, space and military applications. We offer a wide range of customizable passive control components as well as integrated assemblies and subsystems solutions.
Are you AS9100 certified?
Quantic TRM is AS9100D and ISO 9001:2015 certified by TUV for the design and manufacture of Passive and Active RF and Microwave Signal Control Devices and Subcomponents for Commercial, Industrial and Military Applications.
Does TRM have its ITAR Certification?
Quantic TRM is ITAR certified. The U.S. government requires all manufacturers, exporters and brokers of defense articles or related technical data to be ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) compliant. Please email if you have a question about ITAR compliance as it relates to a specific product of interest.
What construction technologies does TRM utilize?
Our expertise includes designing in stripline, microstrip, ferrite and suspended stripline. We will optimize utilizing single layer or multilayer boards. To meet customer requirements, it is not unusual to mix construction methods in an integrated unit.
Does TRM make custom parts?
Yes. Our success comes from our ability to adapt to our customers' needs, with nearly 80% of our orders being custom solutions. Quantic TRM's strength is partnering with our customers to develop products that solve unique problems for almost every conceivable configuration. From Multiple Input LO Distribution Modules, Compensation Injection Modules, Monopulse Comparators, Multi Power Divider to Directional Coupler Packaging our innovative power combining schemes, reduce the amount of heat generated over traditional designs. Quantic TRM's design approach integrates creative mechanical packaging with state-of-the-art electrical designs resulting in a high performance, mechanically robust solutions.
Will you design and manufacture small quantities?
Many requirements in our marketplace are low volume / high mix. Our processes have been designed to be as efficient as possible in very low volumes and our orders range from 1 to hundreds of any given part number.
What frequency range do you design in?
From DC to 40 GHz, however, the majority of our products are centered around 12GHz. A current industry trend is to increase the bandwidth of performance. Historically, the bandwidth of many of our components was linked to individual octave bands like L-Band, S or X-Band. Many of our customers now require components that cover many of these bands, so we accommodate to developing needs. Our engineers thrive on collaborating with clients to solve their design challenges, complete their ideas and build the highest quality solutions while remaining cost effective.
Do you provide integrated solutions?
Yes. Often times the best solution for electrical and mechanical requirements is to design an integrated unit, versus a number of components. Reducing the number of input and output launches can have a significant effect on performance, cost effectiveness and turnaround time.